A world that works for everyone

Sonny Navaratnam
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  • Sydney, NSW
  • Australia
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  • Oscar Carter

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How Did Learn About The Creating A World Community Site?
Through a posting on the Landmark Forum page in fFacebook
About Me:
I am a fun loving, always happy man, who dances, skips, sings and laughs his way through life...

Author of "Awakening Humanity; Answering the Call of Our Time".

Developer of Awaken Wisdom (Human Awakening programme), Great Leadership (Programme to develop leaders the world seeks do desperately), Innovation Generator and a myriad of other programmes.

In the world of business, i have spent over 30 years with a very wide range of experiences. Leadership, Financial Management, Operations Management, Business Development and General Management..

My vision is a world
- in which human beings are free, live purposeful lives that create destinies worthy of themselves and stand for the greatness of all humanity.
- where love, respect, compassion and sharing abound.
- in which happiness is a choice open to all.
- where human beings live openly in the field of infinite possibilities free of the shackles of fear.
- where the joy of being one with all that is and will be, is accessible to all beings.

My mission is to manifest this world by
- educating human beings to expand their consciousness and discover the truth about themselves, thereby enabling them to create lives of freedom and magnificence.
- educating and enlightening leaders to lead from their core selves creating the openings for human beings to advance their world toward one that is inclusive, peaceful, prosperous and open.
- assisting leaders and those who aspire to be leaders to uncover their true selves and freely choose their destiny.

Ah and in case you are getting too inspired, please note that i read a lot, think a lot, sing a lot, dance a lot, walk a lot, dream a lot, love a lot, laugh a lot.. oh! oh! and not to forget... eat a lot!

I am a lover of life, people and the universe as well as a Master of Mischief!

In the world of business, i have spent over 30 years with a very broad range of experiences. Leadership, Financial Management, Operations Management, Business Development, Sales, Marketing and General Management..

I am brilliant at Awakening Human Beings (Only if they want to wake up of course).

I am currently excited by the following projects;
- marketing my book - "Awakening Humanity - Answering The Call of Our Time".
- Running programmes to help human beings wake up! Yay!
- Developing a social network of powerful people who are interested in being practically involved in Awakened projects. This group is being setup at All4114All.
- Working with children who reach an Awakened State faster than any adult is willing to.

I’d like to share the following with people;
Unconditional Love, Wisdom, Stupidity, Wisdom, Horrible jokes, Wisdom, Kindness, Compassion, Recipes, A taste for Chillie, Amazing programmes that awaken and uplift everyone who has the courage to attend, Lots of Books and Videos that teach and inspire, A sense of humour, A willingness to put myself into dangerous situations, Wisdom (did i say that already?), Mischief, Love, Joy, Laughter, Sun and of course Confrontation...

What i could do some help with is to spread the word that YOU are magnificent, magical, gorgeous, majestic and an absolute delight to know (and more people have to know this, don't you agree?).

Comment Wall (3 comments)

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At 9:16am on August 21, 2012, lucia edward said…

Hi from Lucia,

My name is Lucia Edward I am a girl, I saw your profile here and my spirit ask me to contact you about this important issue so please, I would like you to send me mail here ( ) so that i will tell you about the important issue and also give you my sweet picture.
I am waiting for your urgent and immediate reply to my email.
Thank you
Miss Lucia Edward

At 12:51am on July 19, 2009,
Premium Member
Oscar Carter
Congratulations on being the first person from Australia to join the Creating A World Community conversation on this site. Oscar
At 10:09am on July 18, 2009,
Premium Member
Oscar Carter
I am completely inspired and excited about all you have shared in your and I hopeful and encourage you to be active in sharing yourself and yourself in this Creating A World Community conversation. I am not sure if you are aware of Neal Donald Walsh and his Conversation With God book series. Just prior to reading your profile, I read his latest newsletter article. See the following which I have copied here:

Notes from Neale...
My dear friends...

We conclude this week our exploration of a question that I asked here three weeks ago. I called it "the central question of all of existence." What is the reason that we are here, upon the earth? Who are we, really, and what are we doing here?

Over the last two weeks I have shared in this space some of the over 200 responses I received to that question from readers of the Bulletin. This week, my own response...

I have come to understand that you are, and I am, an Individuated Aspect of Divinity, traveling on a journey through the endless cycle of life, so that we may both know and experience ourselves as Who We Really Are at any time during that cycle. And who are we? Divinity Itself. In short...

You are God.

I know this is difficult to embrace. I know this is challenging to accept --- to even think about in those terms. Traditional religions have taught us exactly the opposite. They have taught us that we are God's creation, but that we are not connected in any way to God. In fact, just the opposite is true, they have said. We are disconnected. We are separated from God --- and our job is to get back to God.

I have called this particular line of thinking "Separation Theology." This is a theology that says "I am 'over here' and God is 'over there', and never the 'twain shall meet-until I die and God decides whether I have been good enough to come back `home' and to be back with Him 'over there'."

This belief system has become problematical because a Separation Theology produces a Separation Psychology. That is, an idea held deep in the human psyche that says we are inherently alone, separate from our creator, working and hoping to find a way back Home. And a Separation Psychology produces a Separation Cosmology. That is, a cosmological way of looking at all of Life which holds that everything is separate from everything else. And a Separation Cosmology produces a Separation Sociology. That is, a way of socializing the human species that separates every person from every other person by declaring their interests to be separate. And a Separation Sociology produces a Separation Pathology. That is, pathological behaviors of self-destruction, engaged in individually and collectively and evidenced everywhere on our planet throughout human history.

The healing of all this separation is easy. Simply adopt a New Spirituality. Embrace a belief system that says the way to get back to God is to know that you have never left!

In my Conversations with God I was told that this is the truth of it. You are God and I am God and everything that exists is God, expressing God, and there is nothing that Is that is not God. There is nothing but Divinity. All the stuff of life is just that, and there is nothing else.

Life is your opportunity to know and experience that. You can do this now, in any moment of your present lifetime. Others have done it. Masters have done it. Masters are called "masters" because they have known themselves as God.

Some of them have even called themselves that. Yet when you call yourself Divine as you travel with those who do not know themselves as that, they are liable to be offended by you. They may even crucify you. They will surely disassociate from you, even as they long to be and experience what you are demonstrating.

When you "cross over" at the end of your current cycle of life, you will know the bliss and the joy of being the Totality of Who You Are. And you will do a great deal more. You will decide how you wish to expand that. You will choose what you next wish to know, experience, and Be-for life is a continual process of recreating the Self. This is what God is up to!

God is doing this through the reformation and the transformation of every aspect of Itself, one aspect at a time. That is, God is re-forming Itself and transforming Itself in every single golden moment of Now --- through the process that human beings call Constant Change.

You are, in fact, doing exactly that yourself, during every passage from the Realm of the Spiritual to the Realm of the Physical and back again, on the eternal Journey of the Soul.

Many of you who wrote answers to this question over the past several weeks said the same thing. And this is very exciting to me, very inspiring. Because it tells me that people everywhere are waking up. People everywhere are "getting it." People everywhere are re-claiming, at last, their own Divinity.

When all of us do that, we will create heaven on earth --- and the great prophesies will be fulfilled. For it is as it has been written: "I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High."

ALL of you --- not some of you, not only one of you, but ALL of you --- are the Son of God, the Daughter of God, the Children of God, and therefore God Itself, born again.

You are "born again" Godians. Go forth, therefore, and let your light so shine before men, that all may know Who You Really Are...and that all may know who they really are, through you.

Love and Hugs,


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