A world that works for everyone

Join us for a bold and extraordinary conversation inquiring into the possibility of creating community and a world that works for each and every person.

This discussion stems from the Creating A World Community initiative I created and informally introduced to participants attending the Leon H. Sullivan Summit in Tanzania over seven years ago. A substantial number of those people are current members of the online social networking platform at Creating A world Community. I invite you to join it at

About 3 months ago, Jill Burns a long time associate and friend and I began inquiring into this possibility for a world community. That is, as I defined it, a world that works for everyone. It is not a homogenous community. It is a widely diverse community like the one we have now across the globe. However, the fundamental characteristic for that community, and perhaps the SINGLE factor that would make an “APPRECIATIVE” difference in the world we have now, is it is one where people RESPECT and in fact HONOR one another, no matter what their opinions, beliefs and views on any particular matter might be.

In Jill’s and my inquiry, we created a further CONVERSATION FOR POSSIBILITY, for what we have named a Consciously Created Community, which is described below. I give credit and am again profoundly grateful to Jill who is also an organizational and personal consultant and coach in assisting me in crystallizing and bringing forth this extraordinary conversation.

This panel is the first time we have gotten a group of people together in one place to discuss the possibility of a world that works for all. In that regard, it represents a personal milestone for me and I am very excited to get started.

NOTE: A Consciously Created Community ➢ A group of individuals who have chosen freely to take a stand and come together as one voice.

That voice is the voice of the community where each one recognizes that he/she is vital to the life force of the whole. Newly inspired, they take ownership, bringing forth their highest expression of love, courage and integrity in reverence of the community. Their relationships are deep, lasting and authentic as they continue to stay true to the ever evolving consciously created community. They are moving together as a body of one. (Copyright Protected)

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