A world that works for everyone
Oh course, you got to know I damn sure hope so.
I mean think about it, who does not want to be trusted? I think we all want to be known as someone who is trusted.
A new mentor of mine, Daegan Smithwho is a top Internet Marketer and someone I have recently gained a lot of respect for recently released the following video in which he speaks about trust.
One of the ways, I think he is able to gain people's trust is his openness and the total transparency he brings to his business when speaking with his colleagues and all the
people with whom he does business.
Hey, how completely transparent is the following?
You do not have to read the entire email he sent last January to his Internet marketing students but in it he talks about his "boobs." Yes, that's right, his enlarged breasts that he has had to live with through most of his life but at age 31 last year spent $8,00 to remove them. (Hey, Daegan, if you are reading this, as a former hospital administrator, I would say that's a pretty good price) He says he is a happier person for having the surgery. If you want to read his entire boob story Click Here.
Who shares that kind of stuff, something so personal and something so embarrassing, he admits, that he lived with through most his life.
One of the things, I learned from Daegan is the power of stories. In this case in speaking of stories, I mean personal stories about one's life. My recent blog post, when I talked about lack, was one attempt to do just that.
I have had intentions to share more stories about my life and experience with you, my readers. I think I have done it to an extent, but I want to do it more with the thought it will bring me closer to you and perhaps answer the question Can You Trust Me?
In the video Daegan says "...it's about trust at the end of the day."
When I look at my business prior to coming online, I find that every single one of the 15 or so personally recruited business partners I have are people I have known for years. The same is true for most of my personal customers.
The key fact I they enrolled with me has been a matter of trust.
I want to know. One of the ways I have been using to answer that question are the numbers of people who continue to at open my emails, click on my links and not unsubscribe. You should know that I able to keep track of that from the Aweber mailing system I use.
I do appreciate you for continuing to be open them to hear what I have to say. I invite your feedback and comments. It would help me to be better able to address your interests and whatever concerns and questions you may have.
I know your schedules are busy. In today's world how can they not be, except for those of you who have made it to the mountain top. But then again, I know you too are as busy if not busier changing the world as you see it.
That by the way is what is occurring among the members of Empower Network.
Call me with your questions.
Can You Trust Me? I telling you you can.
Oscar Carter
(212) 316-2271
Skype ocarter1
P.S. Join Me
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Tags: A, Blogging, Community, Creating, Development, Empower, Empowerment, Marketing, Network, Personal, More…Productivity, Tags:, World, achievement, empowerment, marketing, mlm, mlm.network, network, personal, possibility, respect, success, transparency, trust, wealth
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