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I wrote the following in response to a gentleman who e-mailed me earlier today.
Thank you very much for your response to my note.
I am being careful replying back in the interest of not being "Right" about what I have to say. I believe dogma, “science dogma” and science itself is created or otherwise caused by and is the result of a conversation(s); conversations we have with ourselves and conversations we have with others. What we generally do with those conversations is attempt to come to a conclusion(s) and make a determination(s) of right, wrong, good or bad by ourselves or we go out and get agreement from others. (Oh boy, when the latter happens, we KNOW we are Right) Once we obtain agreement; we name it dogma, science dogma, science and even knowledge for that matter. And you know, we can then always still find other folks that have a different conversation(s) who do not agree. That is where we are frequently challenged; and we will argue, fight and even go to war over our conflicting dogmas, sciences and beliefs.
I am committed to a conversation that allows for all sciences and dogmas; choosing none of them right or wrong; good or bad; but instead choosing to respect and in fact honor the differences. If people were to have that conversation, they could let go of their convictions, dogmas and “proven” sciences and alter them, while at the same time being careful in each moment not to violate their integrity* or the integrity* of others.
I am open to a continuing dialogue and again invite a conversation regarding this matter.
* the quality or state of being complete
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