A world that works for everyone

Forget What You've Been Told About How You Make Your Money

I took me a long time to learn this, and now it has come into focus. There are two huge myths when it comes to MLM and these are the things that people focus on most of the time.

Myth #1 You don't get paid for signing people up.

Myth #2 You don't get paid for selling products either.

A lot of you are kind of scratching your heads right now thinking, what the hell is he talking about? That's what it says in the compensation plan. What you do get paid for, is doing PRESENTATIONS. The more presentations you do, the more the other things will fall into place. Well how do you do that? It reminds me of a joke my upline told me one time and it goes something like this.

'There is a 99 year old man and it's his birthday. He decides that he's going to do it up right for his 100th birthday, so he goes to the bar and he's having lots of drinks and having fun. Next thing he knows the Dallas Cowgirl Cheerleading team comes into the bar. Being his 100th birthday he thinks to himself what the hell, I'll go over and talk to them. So he goes over and tells them its his 100th birthday. So they think that's great and they tell him they're going to treat him to a wild night, which they do. The next day he goes to a priest he says 'bless me father for I have sinned, I spent all night with the Dallas Cowgirls Cheerleaders and had a wild time with them.' The priest says 'how long has it been since your last confession.' The man says 'well never, I'm Jewish.' The priest looks at him confused and says 'well why are you here now then.' The old man smiles and says 'I'm telling everyone!'

And that is how you should treat your business, tell everyone.

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Premium Member
Comment by Oscar Carter on June 3, 2010 at 10:11pm
I have been doing essentially what you describe in your post for four years. Now, I doing it differently, and although I am new at it, with my coach and mentor, together with over with 43 years experience in the industry, I am convinced it is the right direction and strategy. I invite you to take a look

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