A world that works for everyone
Humans 2.0
In my last two posts I suggested a conversation, that being a comprehensive and all-inclusive conversation was needed to resolve race relations in this country and beyond. Perhaps, The Quantified Self Revolution will do it for us instead.
Can it be that new technologies of "algorithmic cascades of data...potentially can reveal us to ourselves," as Jason Silva suggests in his video below?
Might it be, that this advancing technology will answer the question, define the relevance and determine whether there will continue to be allowance for "race," a socially constructed concept, to reek havoc and be the divisive razor-sharp force it has been separating and marginalizing relations among the peoples of the world?
Might this be an alternative to the "Conversation for Possibility" I have been suggesting for a world that works for all and for which many people feel is not possible.
I defined that conversation as one involving people interested in improving "race" relations coming together respecting, and in fact, honoring other people's points of views and opinions when they speak. It's a conversation where participants endeavor to insure everyone feels free to express their points of view. The conversation has no particular structure. I like to say it is left to develop organically. The intention, however, is to create communities, nations and a world free of bias and negativity that impacts or infringes upon another's well-being. Participants seek to find "what works" not what may be considered right or wrong. No one necessarily has to compromise their particular beliefs and opinions. However when there is conflict and it infringes upon another's comfort, well-bell or even one's personal fulfillment, particularly when it comes to their actions, again the participants inquire or otherwise endeavor to find that which works for all concerned.
Again, since many of you just can't fathom the possibility of creating a better world through conversation or are choosing not to have one as I have described, then maybe by default, The Quantified Self Revolution will cause the societal transformation in regard to race people are seeking.
And, we don't have to wait that long. That revolution is already taking place.
Take a listen.
The technology may be the ultimate means for Creating A World Community, that is a community that works for all. It certainly is a path that is evolving mankind. We have seen the evidence. One only has to take notice of how the iPhone, OK, you Android uses as well, has expanded their personal worlds and worlds of others with whom they now relate.
"Who knows what we might learn about ourselves. How might we be able to take that data and use those insights to feed them back into us, right, creating that effective moment of ontological design where that information acts as feedback that further changes how we act and changes how we optimize the world."
I encourage your critique this article in the comments section below and make suggestions and how we can continue to achieve a world that works for everyone.
Oscar Carter
World Transformer
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