A world that works for everyone

Race... Let It Go, Give It Up (Repost from Empower Network Blog)

Race, A Socialy Constructed Term Has Outlived Its Relevancy

That is if it ever had any legitimate relavancy in the first place.  By the way, that would in turn eliminate the word racism as well.

The following are comments I have publicly made primarily online in various forums and social media sites.  There is some redundancy and I think that furthers my message which is evident in my writing.

The entire conversation about race is a socially constructed concept that has out lived its relevance if it ever had any value.
while I completely agree with your sentiments and position, you destroy the contribution I believe you are intending to make with the unnecessary disrespectful language.

And, it is exactly the type of conversation the three of you are having that continues to keep the matter of race problematic in society when you could, if you chose to do so, limit the meaning of race to that which we generally understand as the human race, and started a new conversation that has as the basis of its purpose and intention inquiring into what works in society and what might work for all as a possibility.  

Well, I guess I am just repeating myself.  I am beginning to wonder whether my comments have any value, at least for the three of you.

And, it is exactly the type of conversation the three of you are having that provides evidence and continues to keep the matter of race problematic in society when you could, if you chose to do so, limit the meaning of race to that which we generally understand as the human race, and started a new conversation that has as the basis of its purpose and intention inquiring into what works in society and what might work for all as a possibility.  

Oh well, I guess I am just repeating myself for whatever it is worth.  I  am beginning to question its value, at least for three of you.

Thank you for your response. I did not state or mean to imply that you stated that "discrimination does or does not or will not continue in the future." I apologize for the confusion.

And again, how you or anyone else denotes or otherwise defines race beyond how it is generally understood in the phrase "human race," which in my view is the "proper context," it (race) shall continue to be problematic.

And, to the extent we human beings continue to have race mean any more than it does in the phrase human race and/or attempt to define, separate, delineate and distinguish ourselves among each other beyond however we might view the differences between “blondes and brunettes,” discrimination, oppression, inequality and accusations of and racism will continue.  In that regard, each of us has a choice to make that could transform this conversation to have it work for all, if not achieve complete and total agreement.I suggest everyone's points of view are valid; yours too because they are based on one's individual and group experiences, understandings and perceptions.The most relevant question in my view is Now What?I hold the view there need not be agreement with any of the points offered. As I suggested in my earlier comment, race is a social construct. In that regard, we do not need to hold on to it.

If it were working it would be all well and good. Obviously, it is not. We need to develop another construct.The concept, the science or whatever meaning one wants to give to race, as a distinction, has outlived it relevance.See

You see, I believe, the means to a world that works for everyone is a conversation that allows for respecting and honoring one another regardless of their opinions, beliefs and views on whatever and that includes race.What is the possibility of respecting and in fact honoring one’s view on race and having a conversation about getting along with one another, in fact embracing our diversities whatever they may be?Is That Not Possible?

How does the saying go?  The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again.   Unlike the words ethnicity, nationality, religion, culture and even color,  people generally can agree on who falls in which classifications.  There is little agreement, on the other hand, on the meaning of the word "race" among folks in society as evidenced by their interactions with one another from day to day and how one should be classified in accordance with that meaning.  That limits what's possible in achieving a way that works for all and leaving them respecting and honoring their differences.  

Using the word "race" has gotten society where it has gotten us for whatever benefit it provided.  I know there are going to be people who will always hold on to what has been called the "race card" for whatever reason.  My experience is there are many more who are ready, and in fact who have already given it up to make a difference.

And yes, as extension of my point, we would be eliminating the word "racism" as well.
I completely agree with you and thank you for clarifying for me.  My point is the word "race" confuses the issues of cultural, national, ethnic and many other descriptions that describe our differences from one person to another.  I feel by eliminating the word "race" which is socially constructed, we could just as well, deconstruct it.  And, if we chose to do so, better results in these type of conversations could be achieved.
The word "race," is a social concept that MUST be eliminated from this and all conversations to resolve or otherwise  reconcile the differences that are evidenced in this conversation and conversations like it throughout the world.  "Human race?" No Problem.
I agree with you completely.  Racism is a social construct which strips everyone of their culture.  It's puts ppl into neat little categories to pit them against one another.  Keeps us fighting amongst ourselves so that we are not fighting what needs to be fought.  Still, as made up a word as it is, the emotional ties of the word "race" are branded into the heart of Humanity.  I'm not sure that there will ever be a day where racism ceases to exist but I am nonetheless hopeful that we will eventually rise above it.

We need to accept eachother as Human beings.  To accept that we may never completely agree with one another.  That is ok to be different.  That to be different should be applauded not derailed. 

"Human race?" Awesome.

Ah! you get the point

Oscar Carter
World Community

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Tags: peace, race, racism, respect


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