A world that works for everyone

Why Are We Protesting... Will It Make A Difference?

I have to be honest.

It was a large part of my good friend wearing the American flag that woke me up to the continuing need for peaceful protests and expression.

Folks pay attention and other Folks are able to release the tension they have couped up within themselves when their freedom is challenged and they are frustrated with what their view of the ills of society and their fellow human beings are.

In this case, it was a protest last night in front of the world famous Apollo Theater in Harlem, New York City following the shooting deaths of Michael Brown and Eric Gardner by police officers.

Organized and directed by community activist Chet Whye, they called it #UptownLieDown.  Pretty cool deed in 30 degree weather, or colder I am guessing.

A poet spoke quietly following chants of

This is how we shoot back!
This is how we shoot back!
This is how we shoot back!
This is how we shoot back!

"...With this assembly, we aspire to provoke not riots but conversation
This congregation has come together to express it's decent of police matters exercising our rights to be heard..."

And, so that is the American way proudly worn by Mr. Whye.

The call for a conversation by the poet is essential.  However, it is a unique conversation that has never been had.  I defined it in a previous post and it has evolved to this.

  • The challenges we face with equal treatment in this country is due to the biases each of us knowingly, unknowingly and otherwise subconsciously harbor about anything and the failure and unwillingness to engage in open, honest and genuinely authentic conversations about those biases with an intention of resolving those challenges.
  • It is a conversation involving the most widely diverse group of people possible who are interested in improving "race" relations, coming together respecting, and in fact, honoring other people's points of views and opinions when they speak. It's a conversation where participants endeavor to insure everyone feels free to express their points of view.  The conversation has no planned structure. I like to say it is left to develop organically. The intention, however, is to create communities, nations and a world free of all biases and negativity that impacts or infringe upon another's well-being.   Participants seek to find "what works" not what may be considered right or wrong.  (And, excuse me; or what might be considered "politically correct."   No one necessarily has to compromise their particular beliefs and opinions.   However, when there is conflict and it infringes upon another's comfort, well-bell or even one's personal fulfillment, particularly when it comes to their actions, again the participants inquire or otherwise endeavor to find that which works for all concerned.

That's it.  Who is up to getting to work on this conversation? Comment Below

Oscar Carter
World Transformer

Views: 61

Tags: Brown, Eric, Gardner, Michael, ferguson, police, protest, protests, racial


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