A world that works for everyone

This afternoon, I saw evidence of a World Community, at least that is what I made of it.

I admit a World Community is a matter of interpretation. Some will see what I am about to describe as just a mere coincidence or luck. Others will say it was just one person assisting another. I and many others perhaps, will say that it was a spiritual intervention and oneness that occurred.

What I experienced was my 50 some year old cousin grabbing a hold of the back of a 95 year old women this afternoon to perform some sort of procedure on the lady. It looked very unconventional to me but I was confident he knew what he was doing. The lady had gotten some food caught in her throat and could not breathe. My cousin continuously pulled up on the upper part of the ladies stomach, squeezed her and shook her up and down. After 2 or 3 minutes, the lady coughed up the food and began breathing. The paramedics came soon afterwards, in response to a 911 call someone had made. They applauded the work of my cousin and took the lady away to the hospital for further evaluation. My cousin clearly saved the lady's life.

When things settled down, I observed my cousin sitting in the corner. He was obviously shaken and upset so I went over to offer my support. I put my hand on his shoulder and asked him what was the procedure he had performed on the lady and he said it was the Hymlick Maneuver. I asked him what made him jump to the lady's rescue so quickly and he said he did not know. It was automatic he said. "It was just the thing to do." When I asked where he was trained, he said he had never been trained and that he only saw someone do it once on TV.

A World Community as I see it is one that works for everyone. It is also one where people respect and honor one another notwithstanding any differences they may have. The incidence I described may not be the best evidence of a World Community but it was an occurrence in a World that works and an indication of how people are one with one another. Source, God, Spirit was present this afternoon. That was the And then some.

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