A world that works for everyone

So my two books arrived today in the mail after ordering them online from Barnes and Noble
through my shopping portal at and for each I received
11.2% Cash Back.  

The two books are Courageous Conversations about Race, "A Field Guide For Achieving Equity
In Schools
" by Glenn E. Singleton and Tony Robbins new book entitled Money, "Master The Game."

I began reading Mr. Singleton's book and could only get through the foreword, introduction, and the
first page in Chapter 1.   I had to put it down.  Why? because although I found some obscure
description of the word "race" as a social construct in his introduction, and that after writing
Mr. Singleton and receiving no response seeking a definition, I felt uncomfortable continuing to
read the book because he kept referencing a term that I for one, Toni Morrison for two and I am
sure many others believe does not exist outside of its social/political construction. (Enjoy Ms.
Morrison's Interview with Stephen Colbert below)

Here is what Tony Robbins has to say in the first three sentences of his book.  

"Money.  Few works have the power to provoke such extreme human emotions.  A lot of us refuse
to even talk about money!  Like religion, sex, or politics, the topic is taboo at the dinner table and
often off-limits in the workplace."

I immediately took notice that Mr. Robbins left out the word "race," a term that has an even greater
emotional charge than the ones he mentioned at many dinner tables and workplaces.

Oh well, I have decided to proceed in reading Money, Master the Game.  Perhaps I have not given
complete justice to Mr. Singleton's book having only read the first few pages.  I am impressed
by his passion and the extraordinary work he is doing in the world to provide equity in our school
systems for all.

Oscar Carter
World Transformer

Views: 61

Tags: money, morrison, race, racism, robbins, toni, tony


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